Thursday, August 4, 2011

And there it goes...

Summer has come and gone as quick as ever, although the weather in this part of the country is just now starting to show signs of warm weather. The past week or two have been warm and beautiful, with no rain to speak of. Maybe it'll hold off a little longer! It sure has been nice here.
Crazy life, always rolling and moving, has kept me busy the past few months! All good busy though, life is sweet as ever!

-First and foremost, (or at least maybe most recently) I AM DONE WITH CULINARY SCHOOL! I am now a proud graduate of Oregon Culinary Institute, with all my classes done. Real walk-the-stage graduation isn't until October (they only have two ceremonies per year) but it feels so so good to know that I am done!
On the same topic, I also have free dinner for life at OCI! I volunteered to make a cow suit for one of my chefs, and I actually got to make it! I had to buy a new sewing machine, because I left my other one in Texas. I managed to make a simi-quilted cow suit, to teach cuts of beef, and earned a place in their hearts and dining room forever.

-I got hired on at Toast, so I'm now getting paid for all my work! It's been about a month that I've been getting paid, I think this weekend will be my fourth working on the line as the griddle cook. Weekends are hectic and busy, but it's really much more interesting to work during the full days than the slow ones. I'm working 40 hours a week, but all in 4 days, so I have 3 days off a week and am still getting a nice paycheck. Tomorrow is my short day, I get to go in at 9, but the rest of the weekend I go in at 6 a.m. I've gotten better at sleeping early though, and even on my days off it's hard to stay up much later than midnight. I end up being the first one up in the house too, making coffee and breakfast before my other roommates are up.

-The whole fam damily came up to my green Rose State of Oregon to visit me! We had the best time, I got to show them all around my neighborhood, I rounded up bikes for them to ride, and we got to see lots of beautiful green places and waterfalls. They got to meet my friends and co-workers and it was just a great time overall. It was so nice for them to see my places, because they didn't get to come set me up when I first moved out here. I think this is a much better arrangement though, because we had a lot more fun than we would have had if they had just brought me out here in the first place. It was sad to see them go, but hopefully I'll be able to come back to Texas for a little while sometime before this year is up.

-I've met a nice boy that I've been spending a lot of time with. We spent my day off yesterday picnicking by the waterfront and riding bikes. He bought dad a lot of beer while they were here, and they got to talk about bikes and man things. So that's just an extra sweet bit in my life right now. :)

And everything else is just clickin'! I'm not working at Starbucks anymore, so no fraps and white mochas to deal with this summer. And lots of hours spent outside! Trying to take in the sun as much as I can. I want to get around to going to the river, some workmates have been talking about going. I need to get in the water and maybe get rid of my farmers tan. Mom and dad just got me a Pasta Machine that will end up at my door soon, so my roommate and I can finally realize our dream of making beet ravioli with the beets from our garden. We also added a fish spatula, spider, and bench scraper to the arsenal of cooking tools in our giant kitchen, so that just means more and more crazy cooking projects. Things are good and food filled and love filled at da house, so my life is just splendid!

Much Love from the Rose State!

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